Display of results for 1 structure type

Type of structures:

Most expensive structure

“Skender Bey” Square
14.18 million €

Cheapest structure

“VMRO” Square
1.94 million €

Largest contractor

Bauer BG DOO, Skopje
11.24 million €

Largest investor

Municipality of Center
14.96 million €

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors for each structure, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Structure name Amount spent for a structure in euros Amount spent for a structure in denars
1 “Skender Bey” Square 14.178.658 € 871.987.484 den.
2 Philip II of Macedon Square 6.272.028 € 385.729.714 den.
3 “Holy Mother of God” Square 5.374.973 € 330.560.836 den.
4 “Warrior” (Philip II of Macedon) 4.444.569 € 273.341.000 den.
5 “VMRO” Square 1.935.696 € 119.045.280 den.
Total: 32,205,924 1,980,664,314 den.

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors for each group of structures, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Structure type Amount spent in euros Amount spent in denars
1 Square 32.205.924 € 1.980.664.314 den.
Total: 32,205,924 1,980,664,314 den.

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Investor Amount spent in euros Amount spent in denars
1 Municipality of Center 14.964.131 € 920.294.073 den.
2 Municipality of Cair 14.178.658 € 871.987.484 den.
3 City of Skopje 3.063.134 € 188.382.757 den.
Total: 32,205,923 1,980,664,314 den.

The list indicates the value the contractors have received from the investors, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Contractor Amount received in Euros Amount received in Denars
1 Bauer BG DOO, Skopje (construction company) 11.243.256 € 691.460.222 den.
2 DG Beton AD, Skopje (construction company) 9.873.224 € 607.203.303 den.
3 Fonderia Artistica Guastini (foundry) 2.955.435 € 181.759.235 den.
4 Urban Invest DOO, Kavadarci (construction company) 2.466.931 € 151.716.277 den.
5 Valentina Stevanovska (author) 1.489.134 € 91.581.765 den.
6 Alpine Bau, Salcburg (construction company) 1.244.030 € 76.507.831 den.
7 International Investment Grup (construction company) 1.244.030 € 76.507.831 den.
8 Urban stil inzhenering DOOEL Skopje (construction company) 438.807 € 26.986.600 den.
9 Izgradba - komerc DOOEL eksport-import Skopje (construction company) 324.565 € 19.960.718 den.
10 Alkon Proekt DOOEL - Skopje (construction company) 245.218 € 15.080.902 den.
11 Umetnicka learnica Jeremic (foundry) 129.080 € 7.938.400 den.
12 Kiril Mukaetov (author) 125.528 € 7.720.000 den.
13 Darko i Elena Dukovski (author) 112.846 € 6.940.000 den.
14 Zoran Toshevski (author) 96.150 € 5.913.225 den.
15 Borche Dimovski (author) 96.150 € 5.913.225 den.
16 Civil Engineering Institute Macedonia (construction company) 86.584 € 5.324.920 den.
17 Fakom, uvoz-izvoz, A.D. (author) 15.484 € 952.260 den.
18 Arhium Ljupco DOOEL (other category) 10.937 € 672.600 den.
19 Thoma Thomai Dhamo (author) 1.626 € 100.000 den.
20 Besian Mehmeti (other category) 1.301 € 80.000 den.
21 Betim Zekiri (author) 1.003 € 61.700 den.
22 Bekir Ademi (author) 1.003 € 61.660 den.
23 Besian Mehmeti (author) 1.002 € 61.640 den.
24 Josif Droboniku (author) 813 € 50.000 den.
25 Liljana Droboniku (author) 813 € 50.000 den.
26 Filip Koneski (author) 488 € 30.000 den.
27 Nevzat Bejtuli (author) 488 € 30.000 den.
Total: 32,205,926 1,980,664,314 den.