Display of results for 1 contractor

2.55 million €

Facades in the central urban core

The “Skopje 2014” project, apart from monuments, buildings, squares and fountains, includes changing the front facades of existing buildings in the centre.

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors for each structure, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Structure name Amount spent for a structure in euros Amount spent for a structure in denars
1 Facades in the central urban core 2.551.601 € 156.923.479 den.
2 “VMRO” Square 1.909.275 € 117.420.420 den.
3 “Holy Mother of God” Square 557.656 € 34.295.857 den.
4 Maintenance, security and illumination of monuments 329.439 € 20.260.495 den.
5 “Hristo Tatarcev” 84.423 € 5.192.000 den.
6 “Pavel Shatev” 84.423 € 5.192.000 den.
7 “Kuzman Josifovski - Pitu” 84.423 € 5.192.000 den.
8 “Hristo Uzunov” 84.423 € 5.192.000 den.
9 “Vasil Cakalarov” 84.423 € 5.192.000 den.
10 “Fallen Heroes of Macedonia” 49.687 € 3.055.769 den.
Total: 5,819,773 357,916,020 den.

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors for each group of structures, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Structure type Amount spent in euros Amount spent in denars
1 Façade 2.551.601 € 156.923.479 den.
2 Square 2.466.931 € 151.716.277 den.
3 Monument 471.801 € 29.015.769 den.
4 Other categories 329.439 € 20.260.495 den.
Total: 5,819,772 357,916,020 den.

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Investor Amount spent in euros Amount spent in denars
1 City of Skopje 5.347.972 € 328.900.251 den.
2 Municipality of Center 471.801 € 29.015.769 den.
Total: 5,819,773 357,916,020 den.

The list indicates the value the contractors have received from the investors, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Contractor Amount received in Euros Amount received in Denars
1 Urban Invest DOO, Kavadarci (construction company) 5.819.773 € 357.916.020 den.
Total: 5,819,773 357,916,020 den.