Display of results for 1 structure type

Type of structures:

Most expensive structure

Telecommunication Tower on Vodno
18.55 million €

Cheapest structure

The Carrousel
0.16 million €

Largest contractor

GD Granit AD Skopje
17.64 million €

Largest investor

Agency for Electronic Communications
18.55 million €

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors for each structure, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Structure name Amount spent for a structure in euros Amount spent for a structure in denars
1 Telecommunication Tower on Vodno 18.547.089 € 1.140.646.000 den.
2 Landscape design near Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) 6.327.849 € 389.162.684 den.
3 Maintenance, security and illumination of monuments 4.741.941 € 291.629.342 den.
4 The Carrousel 162.600 € 9.999.910 den.
Total: 29,779,479 1,831,437,936 den.

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors for each group of structures, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Structure type Amount spent in euros Amount spent in denars
1 Other categories 29.779.479 € 1.831.437.936 den.
Total: 29,779,479 1,831,437,936 den.

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Investor Amount spent in euros Amount spent in denars
1 Agency for Electronic Communications 18.547.089 € 1.140.646.000 den.
2 The Government Department for General and Common Works 6.327.849 € 389.162.684 den.
3 City of Skopje 3.527.962 € 216.969.678 den.
4 Municipality of Center 1.213.978 € 74.659.664 den.
5 Public Enterprise 'Parks and Greenery’ 162.600 € 9.999.910 den.
Total: 29,779,478 1,831,437,936 den.

The list indicates the value the contractors have received from the investors, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Contractor Amount received in Euros Amount received in Denars
1 GD Granit AD Skopje (construction company) 17.637.496 € 1.084.706.000 den.
2 Beton - Stip (construction company) 6.267.328 € 385.440.684 den.
3 DG Beton AD, Skopje (construction company) 2.000.000 € 123.000.000 den.
4 Civil Engineering Institute Macedonia (construction company) 504.355 € 31.017.856 den.
5 Geing Krebs und Kifer International & others Skopje (construction company) 486.179 € 29.900.000 den.
6 BILD DOOEL (author) 375.447 € 23.090.000 den.
7 Urban Invest DOO, Kavadarci (construction company) 329.439 € 20.260.495 den.
8 RCS DOO (other category) 325.203 € 20.000.000 den.
9 Mak - primat DOO, Skopje (other category) 235.183 € 14.463.732 den.
10 RZ Institut Skopje (foundry) 234.081 € 14.396.000 den.
11 Elektroizgradba DOOEL (other category) 196.724 € 12.098.523 den.
12 Tehnometal - Vardar izvoz-uvoz Skopje (other category) 162.600 € 9.999.910 den.
13 Bauer BG DOO, Skopje (construction company) 152.846 € 9.400.000 den.
14 KOD Inzhenering Stojko Stamboliski DOOEL Skopje (other category) 151.464 € 9.315.041 den.
15 MZT Zaednichki raboti Skopje (other category) 134.657 € 8.281.405 den.
16 Bojta ING (other category) 118.249 € 7.272.335 den.
17 MDN obezbeduvanje DOO Skopje (other category) 117.073 € 7.200.000 den.
18 DIGITAL DOO Strumica (other category) 65.236 € 4.012.000 den.
19 Rade Koncar -Skopje (other category) 65.041 € 3.999.999 den.
20 Mak Alarm Servis DOOEL Skopje (other category) 59.572 € 3.663.664 den.
21 29 November Skopje (other category) 52.818 € 3.248.292 den.
22 Balkan Konsalting DOO Skopje (other category) 47.967 € 2.950.000 den.
23 Evro konsalting Skopje (other category) 32.520 € 2.000.000 den.
24 Anche Dimitrievska Toleska, d.i.a Skopje (author) 28.000 € 1.722.000 den.
Total: 29,779,478 1,831,437,936 den.