Display of results for 1 contractor

0.07 million €

“Dimitar Pop-Georgiev Berovski”

The monument to Dimitar Pop-Georgiev Berovski is one of the many memorials erected on an initiative by the Ministry of Culture.

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors for each structure, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Structure name Amount spent for a structure in euros Amount spent for a structure in denars
1 “Dimitar Pop-Georgiev Berovski” 69.532 € 4.276.237 den.
2 Old National Theatre 45.780 € 2.815.468 den.
3 Sculptures on the “Eye” bridge 30.000 € 1.845.000 den.
Total: 145,312 8,936,705 den.

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors for each group of structures, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Structure type Amount spent in euros Amount spent in denars
1 Monument 69.532 € 4.276.237 den.
2 Building 45.780 € 2.815.468 den.
3 Sculpture 30.000 € 1.845.000 den.
Total: 145,312 8,936,705 den.

The list indicates the value the investors have paid to the contractors, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Investor Amount spent in euros Amount spent in denars
1 Municipality of Center 99.532 € 6.121.237 den.
2 Ministry of Culture 45.780 € 2.815.468 den.
Total: 145,312 8,936,705 den.

The list indicates the value the contractors have received from the investors, according to the search criteria. The User Manual contains more information on how to use the Database.

No. Contractor Amount received in Euros Amount received in Denars
1 Goce Nanevski (author) 145.312 € 8.936.705 den.
Total: 145,312 8,936,705 den.