After several years’ delay, as part of the “Skopje 2014” project, the building of the Old Theatre was ceremoniously launched in 2013.

The old theatre was built on the quay of the Vardar River on the left bank, on the location where the old Skopje Theatre stood prior to the devastating earthquake of 1963.

Initially, the completion of the theatre was planned for the end of 2009. However, due to various delays and a fire in 2011, it was only completed three years later. With various additionally signed contracts for supplementary activities within the project, the construction sum rose repeatedly to over 37 million euro.

The aditional contracts reffer to works that should have been calculated right from the start in the original building contract, like: curtains, seats, doors, and other fundamental necessities.

The dossier for this building features more than 80 contracts, which makes the Old Theatre

together with the Museum of Macedonian Struggle one of the buildings with the greatest number of signed contracts.

Available data for the building

Ammount in euros:
37.755.471 €
Ammount in denars:
2.321.961.479 den.
Structure type:
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Structure location